
Statement by Mrs. Winnifred Reeve

When I wrote the letter that appeared in the March issue of “The Canadian Bookman” I was smarting under a sense of personal injury and hurt. After I had written it I tried to believe I had done a service to Canadian letters and Canadian authors; but all the while I was troubled by the feeling that it was an ignoble thing to do.
I was a veteran author, and should have assisted and protected the new young writer coming with her first work, a brilliant production on which I had myself expended unstinted praise. I should not have allowed what I thought was an unkind and ungrateful act on her part toward me to have hurt me. Few of us can rise above our personalities.
Mrs. Salverson denies that she told me she was paying Mr. Bothwell for his services. I shall not dispute it. The conversation took place in the presence of myself and my daughter. We all are liable to make mistakes.
I am making this statement voluntarily, and through no pressure, but because I desire to clarify the situation and say something that may to some degree salve the hurt feelings of Mrs. Salverson.


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People Mentioned

Leean Wu

Leean is an Honours English language and literature student at the University of British Columbia and a research assistant for The Winnifred Eaton Archive. She was an undergraduate teaching assistant for the UBC Coordinated Arts Program for two years and a research assistant for the UBC Public Humanities Hub.

Winnifred Eaton

  • Born: August 21, 1875
  • Died: April 08, 1954
See the Biographical Timeline for biographical information on Winnifred Eaton.

Pseudonym used in this text

Joey Takeda

Joey Takeda is the Technical Director of The Winnifred Eaton Archive and a Developer at Simon Fraser University’s Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (DHIL). He is a graduate of the M.A. program in English at the University of British Columbia where he specialized in Indigenous and diasporic literature, science and technology studies, and the digital humanities.

Organizations Mentioned

Canadian Bookman

Initially a quarterly journal when founded in 1919, later a monthly journal from 1922 until it ceased publication in 1939. Published by St. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q: Industrial and Educational Press Limited. Merged with Canadian Author in 1940 to form Canadian Author and Bookman.
Written by Samantha Bowen


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Full Revision History
January 14, 2024SLPublishedCorrected spelling of Salverson name.
November 23, 2023JTPublishedAdded citation from bibliography.xml to sourceDesc using utilities/msdesc.xsl.
April 02, 2023JTPublishedAdding relatedItems and notesStmt.
May 06, 2022LWPublishedProofed and set to published.
May 06, 2022LWIn ProgressDownloaded document from Google Drive and converted to TEI.
May 06, 2022LWEmptyFinished transcription.
October 12, 2021JTEmptyAdded exhibit and assigned facs.
May 14, 2021JTEmptyCreated shell from bibl file.