A Poor Devil 1894–1895 Yes Sneer Not March 10, 1896 Yes A Japanese Girl November 08, 1896 Yes A Japanese Love Story 1897 Yes [I am not a “new woman” ] January 1898 Yes Introduction to Frank Putnam’s “Love Lyrics” 1898 Yes Prince Sagaritsu’s Patriotism: A Story of the Japo-Chinese War February 1898 Yes Ojio-San: A Noble’s Daughter March 1898 Yes Li Ching’s Baby April 1898 Yes Karo: A Story of Japanese Honor May 1898 Yes A Rhapsody on Japan July 1898 Yes The Half Caste November 1898 Yes An Oriental Holiday December 1898 Yes Miss Numè of Japan: A Japanese Romance 1899 Yes Shizu’s New Year’s Present January 1899 Yes A Prayer for Understanding February 1899 Yes Where the Young Look Forward to Old Age February 1899 Yes His Japanese Teacher March 1899 Yes Natsu-San: A Japanese Tea House Girl March 1899 Yes The Life of a Japanese Girl April 1899 Yes His Wife’s Husband May 1899 Yes Miss Numè of Japan [Author Commentary] May 1899 Yes The Story of Ido: How a Japanese Half-Caste Came to His Own August 1899 Yes A Half Caste September 1899 Yes His Interpreter (Part 1) September 1899 Yes His Interpreter (Part 2) October 1899 Yes The Geisha Girl is Primarily an Entertainer October 29, 1899 Yes The Geisha Girl November 1899 Yes A Father January 1900 Yes New Year’s Day in Japan January 1900 Yes Taro 1899–1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 1) February 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 2) March 1900 Yes The Horseless Carriage of Japan April 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 3) April 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 4) May 1900 Yes The Wickedness of Matsu May 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 5) June 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 6) July 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 7) August 1900 Yes Her Japanese Lover September 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 8) September 1900 Yes The Old Jinrikisha (Part 9) October 1900 Yes Amoy, A Chinese Girl November 1900 Yes The Betrothal of Otoyo December 1900 Yes A Japanese Nightingale 1901 Yes Three Loves January 1901 Yes The Little Shoe 1900–1901 Yes Home and Social Life of the Japanese February 1901 Yes A Japanese Nightingale (Chapters 1-2) April 1901 Yes A Japanese Nightingale (Chapters 3-4) May 1901 Yes A Japanese Nightingale (Chapters 5-7) June 1901 Yes A Japanese Nightingale (Chapters 8-9) July 1901 Yes A Japanese Nightingale (Chapters 10-12) August 1901 Yes Two Converts September 1901 Yes Kirishima-san November 1901 Yes Margot December 1901 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria 1902 No The Wooing of Wistaria 1902 Yes The Happy Lot of Japanese Women. February 1902 Yes The Pot of Paint February 1902 Yes Yoshida Yone, Lover February 1902 Yes Miss Perfume April 1902 Yes The Bride of Yonejiro May 1902 Yes The Wife of Shimadzu May 1902 Yes Eyes That Saw Not June 1902 Yes The Love of a Geisha Girl July 1902 Yes Three Loves [Reprint] July 1902 Yes A Contract August 1902 Yes A Japanese American Love Story August 1902 Yes Natsu-san August 06, 1902 Yes The Japanese Drama and the Actor September 1902 Yes Home Life of the Japanese Woman November 1902 Yes Yosheda Yone, Lover November 25, 1902 No Count Oguri’s Quest December 1902 Yes The Heart of Hyacinth 1903 Yes The Japanese in New York January 1903 Yes Japanese Woman Not a Slave February 25, 1903 Yes The Loves of Sakura Jiro and the Three Headed Maid March 1903 Yes The Diary of Dewdrop June 1903 Yes Miss Lily and Miss Chrysanthemum August 1903 Yes A Cottage in Matsushima September 1903 Yes The Flight of Hyacinth October 1903 Yes Daughters of Nijo 1904 Yes A Japanese Nightingale 1904 No The Love of Azalea 1904 Yes The Love of Azalea 1904 No The Love of Azalea 1904 No Japanese War News by Word O’ Mouth April 1904 Yes Every-day Life in Japan April 02, 1904 Yes Japanese Women Train their Babes from Infancy May 06, 1904 Yes The Marvelous Miniature Trees of Japan June 1904 Yes The Love of Azalea (Part 1) August 19, 1904 Yes The Love of Azalea (Part 2) September 20, 1904 Yes The Love of Azalea (Part 3) October 21, 1904 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 7-9) December 17, 1905 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 10-12) December 25, 1905 Yes A Japanese Blossom 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 13-16) January 01, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 16-19) January 08, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 19-22) January 15, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 23-26) January 22, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 26-29) January 29, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 30-33) February 05, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 34-37) February 12, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 37-39) February 19, 1906 Yes The Wooing of Wistaria (Chapters 39-42) February 26, 1906 Yes The Little Geisha May 17, 1906 Yes The Wrench of Chance (Part 1) October 20, 1906 Yes The Wrench of Chance (Part 2) October 27, 1906 Yes Ochika-San November 1906 Yes The Diary of Delia (1907) 1907 No A Japanese Lullaby 1898–1907 Yes The Japanese in America February 1907 Yes The Diary of Delia (Part 1) February 23, 1907 Yes The Diary of Delia (Part 2) March 02, 1907 Yes The Diary of Delia (Part 3) March 09, 1907 Yes The Diary of Delia (Part 4) March 16, 1907 Yes The Manoeuvres of O-Yasu-san January 25, 1908 Yes A Neighbor’s Garden, My Own, and a Dream One (Part 1) April 1908 Yes A Neighbor’s Garden, My Own, and a Dream One (Part 2) May 1908 Yes Delia Dissents August 22, 1908 Yes A Daughter of Two Lands November 1909 Yes An Unexpected Grandchild December 1909 Yes Tama 1910 No The Marriage of Okiku-San June 1910 Yes The Marriage of Okiku-San (Reprint) April 16, 1911 Yes Tokiwa: A Tale of Old Japan May 1911 Yes Visiting Mlle. Butterfly September 1911 Yes The Honorable Miss Moonlight 1912 Yes The Marriage of Jinyo February 1912 Yes Chinese-Japanese Cookbook 1914 Yes Japan Will Not Go To War January 29, 1914 Yes A Kiss October 1914 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (1915) 1915 No Miss Spring-Morning January 1915 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (Part 1) April 1915 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (Part 2) May 1915 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (Part 3) June 1915 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (Part 4) July 1915 Yes Me: A Book of Remembrance (Part 5) August 1915 Yes Marion 1916 Yes Marion (Part 1) April 1916 Yes Gloria’s Romance May 1916 No Marion (Part 2) May 1916 Yes Marion (Part 3) June 1916 Yes Marion (Part 4) July 1916 Yes Marion (Part 5) August 1916 Yes Marion (Part 6) September 1916 Yes Marion (Part 7) October 1916 Yes Marion (Part 8) November 1916 Yes Five Thousand Dollar Reward 1918 No Mrs. Reeve Replies November 27, 1918 Yes Lend Me Your Title (Part One) February 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 1] February 05, 1919 No Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 2] February 20, 1919 Yes Lend Me Your Title (Part Two) March 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 3] March 20, 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 4] April 05, 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 5] April 21, 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 6] May 05, 1919 No Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 7] June 05, 1919 No Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 8] June 20, 1919 No Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 9] July 05, 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 10] July 21, 1919 Yes Other People’s Troubles: An Antidote to Your Own [Part 11] August 05, 1919 Yes Sinners [Part One] 1920 Yes Sinners [Part Two] 1920 No False Kisses 1921 No The Wallop 1921 No Motor Hoboes 1920–1921 No Willard Mack to Collaborate With Mrs. Frances Reeve September 14, 1921 Yes Plain Pig September 30, 1921 Yes Some Motorists Are Not as Popular with the Farmers as Many of Them Think October 22, 1921 Yes My First Appearance in New York City November 16, 1921 Yes First Appearance in New York City November 19, 1921 Yes Visiting New York November 19, 1921 Yes Johnny’s Calf and Pa’s Cow December 24, 1921 Yes Sunny-San 1922 Yes A Tragedy of the Wheat Fields 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 1] February 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 2] March 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 3] April 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 4] May 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 5] May 1922 Yes Sunny-San [Part 6] May 1922 Yes Memories June 17, 1922 Yes Hard Times in New York for Struggling Writers June 24, 1922 Yes The Little Journal of Miss Spring September 1922 Yes Starving and Writing in New York October 15, 1922 Yes Cattle 1923 Yes Cattle 1923 No Elspeth January 1923 Yes Scarlet Lily 1923 No Canada’s Loss of Many Of Best Authors Proves Little Short of Calamity March 03, 1923 Yes The Canadian Spirit in our Literature March 24, 1923 Yes Some Lesser Known Authors of Alberta October 13, 1923 Yes [“Literature as a Profession” ] November 24, 1923 Yes How I Came to Write “Cattle” December 08, 1923 Yes Writer Tells How She Came to Write “Cattle” December 20, 1923 Yes Cattle 1924 No Canadian Authors [Garvin] January 05, 1924 No Canadian Authors [Dennison] January 09, 1924 Yes Alberta, the Land of Work, is New Name Given to This Country by Calgary Author January 12, 1924 Yes Plenty of Opportunity for Men in Alberta If They Will Go on the Land January 19, 1924 Yes Books, Literary Notes, etc [Bliss Carman] January 22, 1924 Yes Drama of the People, for the People, by the People January 25, 1924 Yes Little Theatre Movement Aims to Encourage Talent of Every Kind and Sort January 25, 1924 Yes Books, Literary Notes, etc [Lauriston] February 05, 1924 Yes Canadian Authors [Carman] February 13, 1924 Yes A Protest March 1924 Yes An Art Gallery for Calgary April 30, 1924 Yes Statement May 1924 Yes Books, Literary Notes, etc: Edith Wharton May 28, 1924 Yes Elmer Clifton June 21, 1924 Yes Royal and Titled Ranchers in Alberta August 30, 1924 Yes His Royal Nibs 1925 Yes Phantom of the Opera January 1925 No Her Love Sin (Part One) January 23, 1925 Yes Her Love Sin (Part 2) February 06, 1925 No Savage in Silks 1917–1926 No The Claw 1927 Yes Rose Marie September 01, 1927 Yes Blood Will Tell 1928 No Honorable Movie Takee Sojin March 1928 Yes Butchering Brains September 1928 Yes Barbary Coast Outline 1929 Yes Barbary Coast Treatment 1929 Yes The Come on Girl 1929 No The Mississippi Gambler 1929 No Prince of Hearts 1929 No Shanghai Lady 1929 No Showboat 1929 No What Happened to Hayakawa January 1929 Yes Re: Story for Schildkraut January 06, 1929 No I Could Get Any Woman’s Husband! March 1929 Yes How Frenchmen Make Love June 1929 Yes Re: Knight of the Sea November 02, 1929 No Re: Cattle 1 November 13, 1929 No Re: Cattle 2 November 16, 1929 No Re: Wild Rose November 16, 1929 No Re: Credit November 25, 1929 No Re: Ropes November 25, 1929 No Re: What Men Want 3 November 25, 1929 No Re: Barbary Coast 1 November 26, 1929 No East is West 1930 No Movie Madness [Fifth Instalment] 1930 Yes Movie Madness [Fourth Instalment] 1930 Yes Movie Madness [Second Instalment] 1930 No Movie Madness [Third Instalment] 1930 No Ropes 1930 Yes Undertow 1930 No What Men Want 1930 No Young Desire 1930 No You Can’t Run Away from Yourself 1925–1930 Yes Re: Carnival January 13, 1930 No Re: K by Mary Roberts Rinehart 1 January 21, 1930 No Re: K by Mary Roberts Rinehart 2 January 22, 1930 No Re: Scandal January 26, 1930 No Re: The Flirt 2 January 26, 1930 No Re: Wise Wives January 30, 1930 No Movie Madness [Part One] February 1930 Yes Re: What Men Want 1 February 19, 1930 No Movie Madness [Part Two] March 1930 Yes Re: East is West March 05, 1930 No Movie Madness [Part Three] April 1930 Yes Ourang April 16, 1930 No Hollywood Melody 1931 Yes The Bride 1924–1931 Yes Canada 1924–1931 Yes Curves 1924–1931 Yes Empty Your Hearts 1924–1931 Yes I Took a Lady for a Walk 1924–1931 Yes Vitriol 1924–1931 Yes Second Honeymoon 1932 No Because We Were Lonely April 1933 Yes Red Headed Boy April 05, 1933 Yes The “Beautifullest” One 1917–1935 No Boom City [Notes] 1917–1935 Yes Brides Will Be Brides 1917–1935 No Busman’s Holiday 1917–1935 No Carlile MacCartney 1917–1935 No Charity 1917–1935 No Colette 1917–1935 No Cowboy Racket 1917–1935 No Gallegher 1917–1935 No Gipsy 1917–1935 No The Girl and the Rainbow 1917–1935 No Hans Schwartz 1917–1935 No Happiness Preferred 1917–1935 No Hetty 1917–1935 No Hi-Jack 1917–1935 No The Hold Up 1917–1935 No How They Cast 1917–1935 No Idol of Paris 1917–1935 No Imperial Road 1917–1935 No In the Castle of Hikone 1917–1935 No Indian Summer 1917–1935 No Janet’s Family 1917–1935 No John and I 1917–1935 Yes The King’s Daughter 1917–1935 No Leave It To Me 1917–1935 No Love Me, Love My Dog 1917–1935 No Man From Alberta 1917–1935 No Man From Canada 1917–1935 No Marie-Anne 1917–1935 No McCoy 1917–1935 No New York Days 1917–1935 No Old California 1917–1935 No Oregon Trail 1917–1935 Yes The Other Woman 1917–1935 Yes Our Late Hired Man 1917–1935 No Pale Hands I Loved 1917–1935 No Philomena 1917–1935 No Portrait of a Poet 1917–1935 No Relatively Speaking 1917–1935 No Roofs 1917–1935 No Telephone Girl 1917–1935 No Tough Girl 1917–1935 Yes Un Peu D’Amour 1917–1935 No When Christmas Came to Fukui 1917–1935 No Wild Rose 1917–1935 Yes World’s Darling 1917–1935 No Bad Penny 1923–1935 No The Little Theatre Movement 1923–1935 No Wild seed 1923–1935 No Sins of the Fathers 1936 Yes Texas Rangers 1936 No Coyotes 1919–1936 Yes Singing Bandit 1937 No Re: Maidee Crawford 1 January 23, 1939 No As I Was Saying Yes Boom City [Characters for Town Anthology] Yes Doris & Perry and Charley Yes I am a White N[---] Yes Journal Letters No Movie Relatives No Movie Rhymes 1 No Movie Rhymes 2 No Re: Barbary Coast 2 No Re: Sunday’s Times No Re: The Flirt 1 No Re: What Men Want 2 No To a Divorced Husband Yes Wolf of Wall Street No